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Are you currently on any blood thinning medication or roaccutane? Or will you be in the next few months?
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Would you like to be put on Talya's 8-12 month waiting list, or receive your treatment from a trust junior artist sooner?

We have received your submission! Please allow 72 hours - 1week for a response.

united kingdom online consultation

Please complete this questionnaire in order for us to develop a better understanding of your brows in order for us to tailor your brand transformation experience and see if we're the right clinic for your needs!


Please note that Talya currently has reached maximum capacity with her waiting list. For any new eyebrow bookings, bookings will continue from earliest June 2025. Talya also is only taking on clients who are willing to wait.

Alternatively, we have the option of receiving your treatment from our award-winning microblading brow specialist Jess, previously trained with Talya, who works clinic days from the Love Talya UK clinic. If interested, you can select the box below.

Please note, we charge a £20 admin fee for our virtual consultations. This fee is deductible against your treatment cost should you choose to book in. This fee is non-refundable.

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